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Waist Belt/Trimmer
High Quality Neoprene with Standard Nylon for both sides;
Used for Abdominal and beautiful body shape;
Provides basic protection,compression and stability to mid & lower lumbar area;
The wider design offers additional support to lower back;
Retains heat for constant moist heat to entire lower back muscle group.
Also helps reduce unwanted inches around the waistline when used in conjunction with the people exercise & diet program;
Address: 5th Floor, No22, FengXing Road, QuanTang Industrial Zone, LiaoBu Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Contact Person:Mr. Michael Hu
Web: www.topsurfmarine.com
Topsurf Marine Sports Manufacturing Co., Limited
Add:No22, FengXing Road, QuanTang Industrial Zone, HongLi Road, LiaoBu Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Tel : 0769-83030176
E-mail : info@topsurfmarine.com
Website : www.topsurfmarine.com